Sunday, January 10, 2010

Vornado Filters Can One Reuse Carbon Air Filters?

Can one reuse carbon air filters? - vornado filters

I have a Vornado HEPA filters. I finally decided to change the carbon filter today and noticed that there is a thick gray dust on them. After shaking, it resembles a new one. There is an invisible and / or chemical differences in a carbon filter used to it not desirable for reuse. or you can re-use an activated carbon filter after shaking loose powder?


frozen said...

What particles large shocks can be seen. The purpose of a HEPA filter for very small particles of carbon. Replace the filter.

Tyson boy's dad said...

I re-use, but they are very unrecomended. If the filter does not change what was the goal of starting with an air filter with.
Carbon is the last time, is efficiency.

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